Belize Properties- 40 Acres of Farmland on Southern Highway near Silkgrass!!! No. 1151

Price: $90,000 U.S.D.!!!  SOLD SOLD SOLD

This 40 acre parcel of Belize land is located on the Southern Highway just south of the village of Silk Grass.

Silk  Grass is about 10 minutes drive from the main town of Dangriga by the sea.

The parcel is accessed by an excellent all season feeder road.

The land is mostly low bush and uncleared.

This parcel is ideal for agricultural purposes such as planting citrus or some other type of crop.

There is no power to the property, but it is available nearby.  An all season creek flows near the rear of the property.

This 40 acre parcel of Belize real estate located just south of Silk Grass village on the Southern Highway is available now for only $90,000 U.S.D.!!! SOLD SOLD SOLD

Listing Price: $90,000USD
Location/Address: Near Silk Grass
City/Town/Village Silk Grass
District: Stann Creek
Reference Number: 1151
Property Size: 40 acres
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A

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