Belize Property and Real Estate for Sale-80 Acres Mile 27 Northern Highway at Biscayne! No. 1171

Price: $89,000 U.S.D!!! SOLD SOLD SOLD

This gorgeous 80 acre parcel of Belize real estate is located in Biscayne Village about two miles off of the western side of the Northern Highway at Mile 27.5.

The major tourist attraction Crock Land Farm is only 2.5 miles south of this parcel, and the village of Crooked Tree.

The Black Creek Nature Reserve is also nearby this parcel.

The soil is loamy type and would be suitable to grow a wide variety of different crops.

This parcel would be ideal for agricultural purposes, farming or tourism.

This excellent 80 acres of Belize real estate located in Biscayne Village that is suitable for multiple uses is available right now for only $89,000 U.S.D.!!! SOLD SOLD SOLD

Listing Price: $89,000USD
Location/Address: Biscayne Village
City/Town/Village Belize
District: Belize
Reference Number: 1171
Property Size: 80 acres
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A

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