Belize Real Estate-24 Acres of land on the Coastal Road! No. 1115

Price: $18,900!! U.S.D.!!!SOLD, SOLD, SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD!!!!!

A very attractive 24 acre parcel of uncleared, low bush jungle Belize Real Estate  located at about Mile 17 on the Coastal Highway in  South Central Belize.

The Coastal Highway is an unpaved, 35 mile road that runs from the Western Highway at La Democracia to Mile at on the Hummingbird Highway near Dangriga.  This property is located about halfway.

This  parcel of Belize real estate is located near the Mahogany Creek and is set back from the Coastal Highway about 1000 feet.

There is an public access road to the property which is overgrown and power runs along the Coastal Highway.

This Belize land land would be ideal for homesteading or farming and is currently uncleared low growth jungle.

If you are looking for a very affordable parcel of Belize real estate, then this 24 acres on the Coastal Highway at only $18,900 U.S.D is for you!!!!!!SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD,SOLD!!!!!!!!

Listing Price: $18,900USD
Location/Address: Coastal Road
District: Stann Creek
Reference Number: 1115
Property Size: 24 acres
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A

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