Belize Real State – A large house lot in Silk Grass Village! NO. 1211

Price: $5,000 USD!!!! SOLD SOLD SOLD

Here is an opportunity for a great investment in a nice house lot in Silk Grass Village.

This parcel of Belize real estate is located right in the center of the village and has power and water.

Silk Grass Village is located about 10 minutes south of Dangriga in the Stann Creek District.

This is a nice quiet village which  is starting to develop.

This lot would be ideal for building the house of your dreams in Belize.

If you are thinking about a nice house lot in Silk Grass, then this  parcel of  Belize Real Estate would be ideal for only $5,000USD!!!! SOLD SOLD SOLD

Listing Price: $5,000USD
Location/Address: Silk Grass Village
City/Town/Village Silk Grass
District: Stann Creek
Reference Number: 1211
Property Size:
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A

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