Real Estate in Belize-14.48 acres of Citrus in Hope Creek for Sale!! No. 1364

Price:$150,000USD ($300,000BZD) SOLD SOLD SOLD
This is an Excellent parcel of Belize Real Estate for sale in Hope Creek Village.
Hope Creek Village is located 10 miles away from the culture capital Dangriga in the Stann Creek District.
This prime parcel is situated in the Canada Hill Area.
This property is planted out with good bearing citrus.
There is access to power and water.
Hope Creek Village is rapidly developing due to its close proximity to town and the friendly people living within the village.
If you are looking for a nice investment in the near futhure, then this 14.48 acres citrus farm of Belize Real Estate can be yours now at only $150,000USD ($300,000BZD) SOLD SOLD SOLD

Listing Price: $150,000USD ($300,000BZD)
Location/Address: Hope Creek Village
City/Town/Village Pomona
District: Stann Creek
Reference Number: 1364
Property Size: 14.48 acres
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A

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